Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dirty little secret

It's true, I did spend tonight at Borders reading--but vehemently not buying--Gossip Girl. And I loved all like 6 chapters that I got through. I full intend to go back as many times as it takes to finish.

You know what else I want to read, now that I've given in to this dark desire? Francine Pascal's Fearless books. I remember loving them when I was in high school, which is essentially several years too old to be reading something like that. And, let's face it, I never read YA books when I was a so-called young adult, but have blissfully discovered them and rediscovered them at pretty much every important stage of my life since then.

So. Gossip Girl and Fearless. I am so hip.

You know you love me. XOXO.


Kizz said...

I am loving the series Gossip Girl against my will. I think I'll have to cave and read the book soon.

Have you read Twilight and its sequels? Such good YA.

Alexandra said...

The book is interesting--it's very different from the show, and I think perhaps does more to show that this might be somewhat satirical.

And I haven't picked up Twilight yet, but I've thought about it. I hear they are very good.

Kizz said...

That's what I've heard about GG. The Voice Overs in the series are castrated compared to the way the same format is used in the book.

There's an element of romantic cheese to Twilight but I still loved it to pieces.